Subscribed Database

EBSCOhost is an intuitive online research platform used by thousands of institutions and millions of users worldwide. With quality databases and search features, EBSCOhost helps researchers of all kinds find the information they need fast.
EBSCOhost offers high-quality articles licensed from reputable publishers recognized by library professionals, chosen to meet the specific needs of researchers.

J-Gate is the most comprehensive database and access gateway for the discovery of global e-journal literature. Today, it qualifies to be the world’s largest database of journal articles – indexing metadata of over 51 million journal articles from 48,000+ journals and 13,100+ publishers in multidisciplinary domains, updated daily.

Research4life is a collection of five databases: HINARI(Health Research), AGORA(Agriculture Research), GOALI(Legal Research), OARE(Environment Research) and ARDI(World Intellectual Property). Access to the databases is through username and password only. Contact the Faculty Librarian for username and password or visit the administrative office in the Library.

To access the database, all users should contact their Faculty Librarian for login information, or visit the administrative office in the Library.
